Transfer Compass

Transfer Compass
A custom-made WordPress website for an education consulting business.

What our client said:

Eddan Technologies has been an exceptional partner in transforming our online presence. Their innovative solutions, dedication, and professionalism have been instrumental in helping us reach more students and provide better services. We wholeheartedly recommend Eddan Technologies.
Terrence T.
Transfer Compass LLC

How we made the dream, a reality.


TransferCompass’s journey with Eddan Technologies began with a sense of admiration for our own website. Their excitement to collaborate was palpable during our initial onboarding call. This marked the inception of a fruitful partnership wherein we embarked on a voyage to understand their business intricacies, website aspirations, and innovative ideas. Interacting with the TransferCompass team was more than just a professional engagement; it was an inspiring experience.


Before this transformational collaboration, TransferCompass was operating with an outdated website that featured an unfriendly design and an inefficient sales system. This aging digital infrastructure presented a significant roadblock, hampering their ability to effectively connect with their target audience. The website was not just a digital storefront; it was their primary point of interaction and sales generation.


To address these formidable challenges, Eddan Technologies embarked on a comprehensive overhaul of TransferCompass’s online presence. This multifaceted solution encompassed several pivotal aspects:
1) Custom Theme: We set out to redefine the user experience by crafting a completely custom website theme that blended aesthetic appeal with flawless functionality. The aim was to create an interface that not only looked stunning but also enhanced user engagement.
2) Sales Form: At the core of this transformation lay an innovative and custom-coded sales form. This form was designed to provide an intuitive and user-friendly service selection experience, complete with dynamic pricing updates. Notably, it incorporated an ingenious feature—a 25% discount that was automatically applied when users opted for all four services, presented through an engaging pop-up notification. The final section of the form seamlessly integrated Stripe, a leading payment gateway, ensuring a frictionless transaction process.
3) SEO and Speed: In the digital realm, visibility and speed are paramount. We undertook a comprehensive overhaul of TransferCompass’s SEO strategies, optimizing the website for search engines and improving its ranking. Moreover, we worked diligently to enhance the website’s loading speed, ensuring that users could access information swiftly and effortlessly. This optimization was not just about appeasing search engines but also about creating a superior user experience.


Following the completion of the website, TransferCompass and Eddan Technologies conducted a thorough review. This evaluation encompassed a holistic analysis of the project’s progress, the quality of design and functionality, client feedback, and overall satisfaction. The partnership was a dynamic one, characterized by open communication and a commitment to excellence. Necessary refinements were made to the website to ensure it met the highest standards. Once the final touches were in place, we initiated the transfer process. This crucial step, which often poses logistical challenges, was executed swiftly, and the website seamlessly transitioned from our servers to TransferCompass’s chosen hosting provider. As a final touch, we integrated Stripe, the world’s leading payment gateway, into the sales form, ensuring that users could enjoy a seamless and secure purchasing experience.

Some numbers about this project…

$ 1

Is the total approximate price for this project. This includes the design, development, launch, and hosting.

1 days

Is the total approximate time it took for us to complete this project. This includes all the phases of the development process: 1) Research, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Testing & Feedback, 5) Launch, 6) Maintenance and Updates.

Some custom features we added!

Innovative Sales System

The crown jewel of this project was undoubtedly the innovative sales form. The form's design was a testament to aesthetic finesse, with an aesthetically pleasing service selection field that made choosing services a delight. What set this form apart was the dynamic pricing label that sat above the service selection area. As users made their selections, the pricing label was dynamically updated in real-time, providing complete transparency and ensuring that users were aware of their financial commitment.

Beyond this, the form seamlessly guided users to input their basic information, including their name, email address, and password. The following section prompted users to answer service-related questions to help TransferCompass gain deeper insights into the user's specific situation, thereby allowing them to tailor their services more effectively.

The final phase of this impressive sales form was the integration of a Stripe-powered payment field. This integration facilitated a seamless transaction process, offering users a secure platform to input their credit card details and finalize their purchase with confidence.

Testimonial System

In our quest to provide TransferCompass with a robust and user-friendly website, we recognized the importance of a dynamic testimonial system. Testimonials are a powerful tool to convey trustworthiness and build credibility. To empower TransferCompass, we developed a testimonial system that enabled them to effortlessly add, edit, organize, and delete testimonials directly from the admin dashboard.

This intuitive system not only streamlined the process of showcasing client feedback but also offered TransferCompass the flexibility to tailor their testimonial display to suit their evolving needs. In a world where trust is paramount, the ability to manage and update testimonials seamlessly is a valuable asset.

Sales Management Dashboard

To simplify the order management process, we created a customized sales management dashboard within the admin interface. This dashboard was designed to facilitate the efficient handling of orders, from the moment a client submitted their purchase forms to the point of payment and beyond. Each order had its dedicated page for editing, displaying all relevant information except for sensitive data such as passwords and payment details.

When a client completed their purchase and payment via the sales form, the order details were automatically sent to the TransferCompass team via email and to the dashboard. This feature expedited the order management process by providing immediate notification of new orders. Importantly, these notification emails were designed with security in mind—while they included basic order information, they deliberately omitted sensitive data for enhanced security.

Simultaneously, the client received an email containing less detailed information, presented in a receipt-like manner for their records.

Do you want a website like this?