Website Hosting & Management



At Eddan Technologies LLC, we believe that the success of your website doesn’t stop at its development. We offer a comprehensive Website Hosting & Management solution to ensure your site is always accessible, secure, and performing optimally. Whether we built your site or you already have a website that needs hosting, our dedicated servers are private, secure, and lightning fast, guaranteeing a seamless online experience for your users.

The Eddan Approach

Our experienced team takes a proactive approach to hosting and managing your website. We’ll migrate your site to our private servers and oversee its management, making sure it’s up and running 24/7. Our focus on security ensures your site is always safe from breaches, while our commitment to optimal performance means your site loads quickly and functions flawlessly.

At Eddan, we prioritize customer satisfaction and peace of mind. Our Website Hosting & Management service removes the burden of technical management from your shoulders, letting you focus on your core business. You can rest assured knowing that your website is in the hands of experienced professionals who are committed to maintaining its uptime and security.

The Eddan Difference

Beyond the Service

Even after your website is live, our work continues. We monitor server performance around the clock and perform regular maintenance and updates to ensure continuous smooth operation. If any issues arise, we’re on top of them promptly, mitigating any potential disruptions to your online presence.

Our Prices

Pay yearly, and get two months for free!

Hosting Only


Hosting & Management


Full Premium Management
